Examining the Influence of Gamification on the Enjoyment, Engagement, and Motivation of Secondary School Students: A Case Study of Vevox


  • Insaf Khoudri Moulay Ismail University
  • Abderrafii Khoudri Moulay Ismail University




Game-based learning, Gamification, Motivation, Engagement, Enjoyment, Vevox


This paper attempts to investigate the impact of a game-based learning using an application “VEVOX” on learners’ enjoyment, engagement, and motivation. Using a quantitative method, a total of 80 participants from Secondary School completed a questionnaire on the impact of gamification approach on learners’ enjoyment, engagement, and motivation. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS. Overall, the results indicate that “VEVOX” impacts learners’ enjoyment, engagement, and motivation positively. Furthermore, the findings imply that gamification for learning should consider that pupils are not identical, but have different perspectives; not all learners are necessarily fascinated in the same element with similar degrees, also the nature of game-based learning should be kept under this impression instead of forcing things on learners.


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How to Cite

Khoudri, I., & Khoudri, A. . (2023). Examining the Influence of Gamification on the Enjoyment, Engagement, and Motivation of Secondary School Students: A Case Study of Vevox. International Journal of Current Educational Studies, 2(2), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8422726